Lista serwerów Minecraft

Prism SMP
Właściciel ReaperHacks
Status online
Gracze 0/1337
Wersja 1.20
Rank 3
Głosy 1
Czas pracy 100%
Ostatnie sprawdzenie 2 minute(s) ago
Kraj Belgium
Typy PvPSurvivalMCMMOEconomy

Welcome to Prism SMP,

At Prism we strive to make a thrilling and adrenaline filled experience to bring joy to our players, we are a Life-Steal server that also has a few more addons for example; Custom Enchants, McMMO and other basic plugins. More info about these plugins are listed below.
Custom Enchants -> Adds a whole new experience to vanilla Minecraft by adding completely new enchants to the game which change the whole meta completely.
Life-Steal -> When you kill a player you permanently gain a heart from them and they lose one. Players that lose all their hearts will be banned for a limited amount of time, this is referred to as “Death Banned”
McMMO -> A whole skill system like Mining, Swords, Axes, Foraging, etc. These skills all have their own set of perks which enhance your experience on the server and can help you beat the rest.

Join Prism SMP and see what it’s like to truly experience a well made server. If you have any questions please come to the discord and ask me.